Skimono Beauty - 22nd October 2020

How to protect your skin during winter

The change of seasons always brings new forms to all manners of our lives, from new eating habits, new weather patterns, new clothes, to even new scheduling (early bedtimes for us!), not only do we see change in these areas but our skin embraces renewal too.
Depending on your age, every 27-35 days, the epidermis, or the outer layer of your skin enters a regeneration process and as we get older this process slows down and your skin needs longer to repair itself. So as we enter this new phase of season where we see harsh temperatures, pushing between extreme cold outside, and extreme artificial heat inside, we need to make sure we’re doing all we can to help our skin. Here are a few helpful tips, so that you can put your best foot (hand & face!) forward this winter:

UV rays
It may be winter but don’t be fooled by the dull sky and cold weather - UV rays still penetrate our skin causing premature ageing and damage. Wear SPF 50 every day to prevent harmful rays from causing sun damage. Our After Sun+ Face Mask also has all the ingredients to provide rejuvenation and lasting relief to skin that might not have been protected.

It’s important to stay on top of your day & night moisturising routine but when you are finding that you’re topping up on moisturiser in between, you know there’s an issue with your combo. Make sure you have the right level of care to suit your skin type, eg. combination, oily or dry, also try whether cream, serums or oils work best for you or even combine and layer all 3 to make the perfect level of hydration that your skin needs. Our Advanced Moisturisation+ Face Mask pack contains extract of rose & hyaluronic acid and should be dropped into your routine once a week to maintain soft and supple complexion.

Chapped Hands
Constant hand washing and extreme temperatures can lead to dry, chapped hands but here at Skimono we’ve created the perfect antidote to Winter’s perils with our Intense Nourishment+ Hand mask which contain shea butter, aloe vera and hyaluronic acid. This adds an instant but long-lasting surge of moisture which leaves skin feeling nourished and soothed. What are you waiting for….

Take time out to protect your skin this winter.

Purchase a multipack and save 25% 

Total Conditioning+ Foot Mask x4 Pack
Total Conditioning+ Foot Mask x4 Pack
Total Conditioning+ Foot Mask x4 Pack
Total Conditioning+ Foot Mask x4 Pack
Total Conditioning+ Foot Mask x4 Pack

Total Conditioning+ Foot Mask x4 Pack

Intense Nourishment+ Hand Mask x4 Pack
Intense Nourishment+ Hand Mask x4 Pack
Intense Nourishment+ Hand Mask x4 Pack
Intense Nourishment+ Hand Mask x4 Pack
Intense Nourishment+ Hand Mask x4 Pack
Intense Nourishment+ Hand Mask x4 Pack

Intense Nourishment+ Hand Mask x4 Pack

Anti-Ageing+ Bio-cellulose Face Mask x4 Pack
Anti-Ageing+ Bio-cellulose Face Mask x4 Pack
Anti-Ageing+ Bio-cellulose Face Mask x4 Pack
Anti-Ageing+ Bio-cellulose Face Mask x4 Pack
Anti-Ageing+ Bio-cellulose Face Mask x4 Pack

Anti-Ageing+ Bio-cellulose Face Mask x4 Pack

Radiance Recovery 4c Eye Mask
Radiance Recovery 4c Eye Mask
Radiance Recovery 4c Eye Mask
Radiance Recovery 4c Eye Mask
Radiance Recovery 4c Eye Mask
Radiance Recovery 4c Eye Mask
Radiance Recovery 4c Eye Mask
Radiance Recovery 4c Eye Mask
Radiance Recovery 4c Eye Mask

Radiance Recovery 4c Eye Mask

Advanced Moisturisation+ Bio-cellulose Face Mask x4 Pack
Advanced Moisturisation+ Bio-cellulose Face Mask x4 Pack
Advanced Moisturisation+ Bio-cellulose Face Mask x4 Pack
Advanced Moisturisation+ Bio-cellulose Face Mask x4 Pack
Advanced Moisturisation+ Bio-cellulose Face Mask x4 Pack

Advanced Moisturisation+ Bio-cellulose Face Mask x4 Pack
